
Simple usage

Objclint currently is only usable via terminal. One command you will need is

$ objclint-xcodebuild

It just proxy to xcodebuild command and accept any argument that xcodebuild accept.

Configuration file

By default objclint will use ./lints folder for JS validation scripts and will analyze all files passed into during xcodebuild process. But it is possible to alter this behaviour, create .objclint file in the same folder as project file is. Here is example of possible configuration file

    "lints-directories": ["./my-lints"],
    "ignores": [

So objclint will look for JS lints in ./my-lints folder and will ignore some files in listed folders.

Project configuration

You should create seperate project target to ignore any resource file and don’t perform analyzis twice for every supported platform.

Seperate target ‘Objclint’ copied from your main target.


Only one architecture to build for.


No unnecessary build phases.
